Next week the official kick off of DARIAH coordinated project Humanities at Scale (HaS) takes place in The Hague.
Next week the official kick off of DARIAH coordinated project Humanities at Scale (HaS) takes place in The Hague. The two day event is hosted by DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services), DARIAH’s Coordinating Institution in the Netherlands. It starts January 19, 2016 at 12:00 and will feature general presentations of the HaS work packages as well as specific work shops on the different HaS activities.
Humanities at Scale is a two year project. It is set up to improve DARIAH in fostering new and sustaining existing knowledge in digitally enabled research in the arts and humanities.
To achieve these goals HaS focusses on three main activities:
- Growing the DARIAH community, e.g. through educational projects, Fellowships and help to find funds.
- Further developing DARIAH core services, e.g. give better access to DARIAH contributions from member countries.
- Informing relevant research communities about the outcomes of the project’s efforts and how they can be accessed.
If you are looking for more detailed information go to the HaS section of DARIAH-EU’s website:
Dates and venue:
January 19, 2016, 12:00 – 18:00;
January 20, 2016, 09:00 – 17:00;
NWO Java Building, 3rd floor, room 300
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 300
NL-2593 CE The Hague, and
NWO Borneo Building
Anna van Saksenlaan 51
NL-2593 HW The Hague